Qarbak History
Go here for Qarbak culture. For a visual timeline of Riigan history, go here. The following page describes the largest power in the respective areas at the time. Some gaps and overlaps occur, and many ancient dates are estimates.
Karbak People
Karber and briefly Sheber.
Sarrayan was the first Hireos ruler of the Karbak people, born around 1600BD. In the terms of the Sarrayun religion which was named after him, he is their Guranda -- their immortal emperor who reincarnates after each death. Sarrayan brought such prosperity that he had to divide his dominion in two, the Kayen people being granted the other half, though these two regions weren't technically considered kingdoms until much later.
2600BD - 950BD
Kayen People
Sheber. Home to the Pakorra religion. Built the Gardens of Akefa.
1500BD - 850BD
Mintar Kingdom
Karber. Built the Statue of Xilia.
900BD - 650BD
Kayen Kingdom
Sheber. Built the Mausoleum of Esravan.
800BD - 700BD
Kayen Priestdom
650BD - 600BD
Mintar Empire
Karber and Sheber. Built Kablan.
After increasing tensions between the Mintar Kingdom and Kayen Priestdom, Bedin Mintarmanu became the first true emperor of the entire region, uniting both halves under a single religion -- Sarrayun. His empire was so prosperous that it was arguably as powerful as the Oolu Empire today, despite the oppression of followers of the Pakorra religion.
600BD - 50BD
Oolu Empire (Early)
200AL - 250AL
Qarar Empire
300AL - 400AL
Derhnu Priestdom
450AL - 600AL
Modern Qarbak Cultures
Karber and Sheber. Built Qanyare Palace. Built Caraal. Built the Nal Medne.
650AL onwards