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Culture and Locations

Eber is a hoqomer, which means it is ruled by a hoqon who is considered holy and represents Xudo. Eber is a theocratic democracy but calls itself an empire, hearkening back to the glory days of the Grey Era when hoqomers covered half of Riiga. Eber's religious and state bodies are connected, and their religion is impersonal and direct. They are a very traditional people and do not like to change the way they do things, thinking if it worked before it should work today. Their capital is Oqara.

Most of Eber's population is found in the mediterranean climate of its northern shores where it meets the Sea of Lyte, though some is found out in the semiarid desert and arid shrubland, especially near the Aliro and Ekzesiq rivers in the west. The Boseur River makes up its eastern border with the Crown of Simbea and the Envou people.

Demonym: Eber, Eber

Population: 8,000,000

  • Eber Empire
    • Oqara, capital, 71,000
    • Xar Kzala, 36,000
    • Gzisan, 29,000

History and Relations

Around 150 years ago, the Xilein Hoqomer became fractured when Reunou broke away, cutting its power almost in half. This resulted in a shift in name, and Xilein became Eber. Despite this, the area has been the core of hoqomer empires for more than two millennia. The people of Eber are a mix of modern Seleru people, with most ancient Xilou people being forced into the surrounding regions and deserts. Despite the fracture, Eber has pacts with both the Reunou and Xinmou hoqomers. It distrusts all cultures that follow mysticism before a hoqon, and import slaves from Tuaram, south of the Ebere Desert. They are competitive with the Arkein kingdom, have trouble with Karithians, and have a history of rivalry with Simbea. Eber mostly exports grain, wildlife, oil, spice, textiles, and Hoqon Blue pigment.

Military and Art

The most distinct military force in Eber is the Eternas order, an ancient collection of highly trained soldiers who nowadays act as guards for palaces and holy sites. They are especially intimidating and zealous, and though not once what they used to be, are still definitely highly regarded in Eber. Common architectural features include ancient highways -- the likes of which reach across Tuaram, Benevis, and Armalia even to this day, from the Xilou Hoqomer -- to pyramids and minarets. Common artforms include drug usage, glassblowing, and blood sports.