Yvatshun History
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Go here for Yvatshun culture. For a visual timeline of Riigan history, go here. The following page describes the largest power in the respective areas at the time. Some gaps and overlaps occur, and many ancient dates are estimates.
Yvatshun People
Bymir, Ideitess, and Sheber.
- 2800BD Traded for bronze when meeting the Umberian People.
- 2600BD The Yvabiran religion starts spreading rapidly throughout the people.
- Magimancy becomes common through the Yvabiran religion.
- 2400BD Yvatshun raiders harass the Umberians and Esereu People.
- The countless Yvatshun clans are culturally united by sharing this religion.
- The invention of Yvatshun script makes record-keeping possible.
- 1600BD Yvatshun cultures go quiet for a long time inexplicably.
2800BD - 1600BD
Yvatshun People
Bymir and Ideitess.
- 750BD Yvatshun people make a comeback, bringing their religion and culture back in strength.
- 600BD Velishtav city founded.
- 400BD Parchment is introduced from various neighbouring cultures.
- Yvatshun people are the first to develop vowel notation.
750BD - 200BD
Yvabira Kingdom (Early)
Bymir and Ideitess.
- 200BD King Dievosav of the Yvabiran Kingdom is crowned.
- 100BD The Alatian religion appears in Ideitess.
- City of Oropstov founded.
- The monster-slaying Nhorcean Order is founded in the city of Yatzhev.
- 50BD Ideitess is conquered by the Xilou Hoqomer.
- 0BD The Darkness hits Bymir, completely collapsing the kingdom.
200BD - 0BD
Inhabited by Seleru from 0BD - 400AL
Inhabited by Batur from 400AL - 600AL
Modern Yvatshun Cultures
Bymir and Ideitess.
- 600AL Dunian warlords struggle to hold on to heavily forested Bymir lands and the native Yvabiran Kingdom quickly replaces them.
- 650AL Yvabiran kings adopt the feudal system and steel from Benevis_History.
- 700AL City of Ellecil is founded.
- 750AL The Kingdom of Alacas is founded, along with the construction of the city of Alacas upon the archaios ruin, also called Alacas.
600AL onwards