Into History

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Go here for Into culture. For a visual timeline of Riigan history, go here. The following page describes the largest power in the respective areas at the time. Some gaps and overlaps occur, and many ancient dates are estimates.

Mythology & Prehistory

According to the Tlarate, all the lands were filled with tribes godless savages, and existence was filled with utter disorder until Patnaimu Intoganihuntro Kwanmanga came and started the first tlarate. The legend is that Patnaimu Intoganihuntro Kwanmanga was born 100,000 years ago, and was simply meditating in a temple, and he didn't emerge until 2000BD.

Into Tlarate

Inoti, Ikade, Progora, Saron, and Harda. Home to the Tlarate religion.

  • 2000BD The first tlar, Patnaimu Intoganihuntro Kwanmanga of Inotisira city, founds the Into Tlarate which quickly consumes Inoti, Progora, and Saron.
  • 1900BD The tlarate spreads into Ikade and Harda.
  • 1800BD The Into start building many temples to their tlars.
  • 1500BD Asabga Temple built in Inotisira.
  • 1200BD Inoti had seafaring ships.
    • The tlar's grasp in far lands such as Harda begins to wane.
  • 1100BD Natives in Saron and Harda make it increasingly difficult for the tlar to control these distant lands. The tlarate withdraws.
  • 1000BD Patnaimu Intoganihuntro Kwanmanga dies. Progora immediately breaks away, becoming a wide variety of mainland and island states and tribal groups.
  • 950BD The Into develop steel.
  • 900BD Ikadia-Into wars. A new family of tlars arise in Ikade, forming the Ikadian Tlarate separate to the Into Tlarate.
  • 750BD Ikadia-Into wars again. Into continues trying to remove the Ikadian tlars.
  • 650BD Into-Gnaisor wars. The Into Tlarate fail to conquer Gnaisor lands.
  • 600BD Into-Litona wars. The Into Tlarate completely runs out of power and is replaced by the Litona Tlarate.

Patnaimu Intonganihuntro Kwanmanga was the first Hireos ruler of the area, a tlar of unmatched renown and power, even to this day. He founded one of the biggest and earliest empires, and is said to have ascended beyond the fifteenth patnaimu tlar rank. He did this by having frequent human sacrifices and waging bloody wars on literally any people he could find. The only things that stopped his conquests were deserts and snow. He allegedly lived from 2000BD - 1000BD, making him potentially one of the oldest Hireos alongside Mezim.

2000BD - 600BD

Ruins from this era are believed to include unrotinga and mounds.



  • 1000BD Patnaimu Intoganihuntro Kwanmanga dies. Progora immediately breaks away, becoming a wide variety of mainland and island states and tribal groups.
  • 700BD Progorans bring currency and trade to the Gnaisor.
    • Progoran settlers also move into Harda but these people break away as the Halsor people.
  • 300AL Someone builds the Eram Heads and then abandons them.
  • 400AL Chliraeti volcano erupts.
  • 750AL The Totani Fever strikes Progora and spread to Saron via traders, killing ~2,000,000.

950BD onwards

Ikadia Tlarate


  • 900BD Ikadia-Into wars. A new family of tlars arise in Ikade, forming the Ikadian Tlarate separate to the Into Tlarate.
  • 750BD Ikadia-Into wars again. Into continues trying to remove the Ikadian tlars.
  • 600BD The Ikadian tlars lose power by this time and their tlarates dissolve.

900BD - 600BD

Litona Tlarate


  • 600BD Into-Litona wars. The Into Tlarate completely runs out of power and is replaced by the Litona Tlarate.
  • 250BD Litona-Isan wars. Another family of tlars vies for power in the area. Litona Tlarate ends.

550BD - 250BD

Matedii Tlarate


  • 450BD Come to power as a new family of tlars.
  • 50BD They build Nrilibase City.
  • 0BD Toogantato erupts and ends the strongest tlarates in the area with its destruction.

450BD - 50BD

Isan Tlarate


  • 250BD Litona-Isan wars. Another family of tlars vies for power in the area. Litona Tlarate ends.
  • 200AL Itinga An is built but it bankrupts the tlars and the Isan Tlarate collapses.

150BD - 200AL

Kpohana Tlarate

Ikade. Built .

  • 150AL Slowly becomes the largest tlarate in Ikade.
  • 450AL Built Eke Echli.
  • 600AL The tlarate ends for some reason.

150AL - 600AL

Liigbena Tlarate

Inoti, briefly into Saron and Harda.

  • 300AL A new family of tlars brings about a new tlarate centred in Itinga An.
  • 450AL Liigbena-Asshor wars as Liigbena invades Saron and Harda.
  • 500AL The tlarate takes over much of Saron and Harda but they break way as the Urkadian Tlarate.
    • The Liigbena tlars are replaced by Ngaran tlars as the main power.

300AL - 450AL

Urkadian Tlarate

Saron and Harda.

  • 500AL The Liigbena tlarate takes over much of Saron and Harda but they break way as the Urkadian Tlarate.

500AL - 650AL

Modern Into cultures

Ikade, Inoti, and Progora.

  • 500AL Liigbena tlars are replaced by Ngaran tlars as the main power in Inoti.
  • 700AL The Morunwa tlars replace the Kpohana tlars as the dominant people in Ikade.

500AL onwards