Temanea History

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Go here for Temanea culture. For a visual timeline of Riigan history, go here. The following page describes the largest power in the respective areas at the time. Some gaps and overlaps occur, and many ancient dates are estimates.

Tesarean People

East and West Teman.

  • 2200BD Tesar city is founded, becoming heart of Tesarean culture.
  • 1700BD Golden warriors called Angsar rise up and protect Tesarean cities and towns, especially against Baturun raiders.
  • 1500BD Hudam city founded, known as the Bronze City.
  • 1300BD Steel first used here.
  • 1200BD Undu city founded.
  • 1000BD Periodic trade by sea with Karbak people across the Sea of Ash.
  • 900BD Tesareans trade steel to the Karbaki.

2200BD - 900BD

Ladarean Kingdom

East Teman, West Teman, East Yyele.

  • 850BD One of the golden Angsar warriors, Gao Jhang, was elected by the other Angsar as their first king of the Ladarean Dynasty.
    • He sends emissaries to the Baturun to try to make peace with them.
  • 800BD Black Wars Period. Gao Jhang broke the peace treaties and attacks Baturun, killing and enslaving the people in Yyele.
    • Gao Jhang founded Gaojhism and work on the Ladarean Wall is finished. Some say the wall being built is evidence that Gao Jhang planned to betray the Baturun from the start.
  • 750BD Althrough Gao Jhang appoints someone to govern the newly acquired West Yyele, this ruler immediately rebels and forms the Selseng Dynasty after Gao Jhang dies.
    • Ladarea does, however, expand into East Yyele.
  • 700BD Various smaller self-made kings come and go.
  • 600BD The Suo Mi Dynasty arises in East Yyele, pushing out Ladarean presence slowly over time.
  • 550BD The last king of Ladarea, Chon Dae, foresaw a large war coming as he loses control of West Teman to the Rui Pi Dynasty. He has Chon Dae City built and immortalises himself and his subjects there. They all mysteriously vanish anyway, ending the Ladarean Kingdom.
  • 500BD The kingdom and surrounding states are plunged into the Thousand Wars Period.

Gao Jhang was an ancient Hireos priest-king who founded the Ladarean Kingdom, uniting Teman under one name and eventually conquering the Baturun in Yyele. He also had the Ladarean Wall built, and founded the Gaojhi religion. Lived from 900BD - 750BD.

850BD - 550BD

Selseng Kingdom

West Yyele.

  • 700BD Yeves clans raid the Selseng Kingdom and are nicknamed 'Leopard Bandits'.
  • 650BD The Leopard Bandits are hunted down and slain by Selseng general Wanfao.

750AL - 650AL

Suo Mi Kingdom

East Yyele.

  • 600BD The Suo Mi Dynasty arises in East Yyele, pushing out Ladarean presence slowly over time.
  • 500BD The kingdom and surrounding states are plunged into the Thousand Wars Period.

600BD - 550BD

Sel An Kingdom

West Yyele.

  • 600BD The Selseng Dynasty is usurpsed by Sel Mak, starting the Sel An Dynasty.
  • 500BD The kingdom and surrounding states are plunged into the Thousand Wars Period.

600BD - 550BD

Rui Pi Kingdom

West Teman.

  • 550BD The last king of Ladarea, Chon Dae, loses control of West Teman to the new Rui Pi Dynasty.
    • Ruipin city is founded.
  • 500BD The kingdom and surrounding states are plunged into the Thousand Wars Period.


Thousand Wars Period

All through Teman and Yyele.

  • 500BD The Ladarean, Rui Pi, Suo Mi, and Sel An Dynasties all fight for the land, with many smaller states either joining the fights or becoming collateral damage.
    • Heavy cavalry is first used during this fifty-year period of war.

Hodasean Empire

All of Teman and Yyele.

  • 450BD Xion Gengxin eventually ends the war, uniting all the people and vanquishing whatever hostile warlords had arisen. He founds the Hodasean Empire.
  • 400BD The So Esn Dynasty arises in the far east of Yyele, far from the empire's central power.
    • The emperor of Hodasea starts a canal construction program, bringing fresh water to many places throughout his empire.
  • 350BD The empire falls to the powerful new Suo Mi Empire and the new religion of San.

Xion Gengxin was the first emperor to unite all of Teman and Yyele, ending the Thousand Wars Period -- one of the most war-torn periods in history. His new empire promoted learning and peace, and saw a huge rebuilding program take place.

450BD - 350BD

So Esn Kingdom

East Yyele.

  • 400BD The So Esn Dynasty arises in the far east of Yyele, far from the empire's central power.
  • 350BD So Esn and Suo Mi wage war for Eastern Yyele.
  • 300BD So Esn is defeated so the people flee to the large islands in the Gold Sea, where they easily take over native populations.
    • The new religion of Gontoism is discovered here.
  • 250BD The people diminish in power as the Suo Mi Empire continues to grow. Gontoism holds them together.

400BD - 250BD

Suo Mi Empire

All of Teman and Yyele.

  • 350BD A new dynastic empire emerges under their Hireos king, San Han.
    • He brings the new Sanist religion.
  • 300BD The Sradaji Plague is brought by traders going to the Sradaji Islands to the south. It kills ~1,000,000.
  • 250BD A new king called Bya Do gains power quickly in Teman and forms his own dynasty.
    • The Bya Do Dynasty ends as quickly as it starts.
  • 200BD Suo Mi's armies retake what is left of the Bya Do Kingdom.
  • 150BD On losing West Yyele to the Tar Ang Dynasty which supports Sunkhu shamanism, the emperor of Suo Mi becomes increasingly paranoid and his government and dynasty fall apart completely by 100BD.

350BD - 150BD

Bya Do Kingdom

East and West Teman.

  • 250BD A new king called Bya Do gains power quickly in Teman and forms his own dynasty.
    • Fearing the Sradaji Plague would wipe out his new dynasty, he had a mass tomb called Bya Do's Tomb built for him and his subjects, and he ended his own dynasty.


Tar Ang Kingdom

West Yyele.

  • 150BD A travelling group of Religions#Sunkhu shamans meet with general Tar Aa to start his own dynasty with their support, breaking away from the Suo Mi Empire.
  • 0BD These people never experience The Darkness.
  • 50AL Most of the rebelling states by now are part of the republic, or the Suo Mi, So Esn, or Tar Ang Kingdoms.
  • 200AL The kingdom is quickly swallowed by the great horde of Dunar Darrqu Zhadas, absorbing the domain into the Dunian Empire.

150BD - 150AL

Hodasean Republic

East and West Teman.

  • 100BD A republic state replaces the Suo Mi Empire in Teman.
  • 50BD They invent the plate and ring currency. Their economy grows with further trade with the Mintar Empire.
  • 0BD All communication with Mintar is cut off suddenly. These people never experience The Darkness.
  • 50AL Most of the rebelling states by now are part of the republic, or the Suo Mi, So Esn, or Tar Ang Kingdoms.
  • 100AL East Xilou emissaries visit to try to spread their Religions#Hoqomer religion. They fail and move on to Suo Mi.
  • 200AL Empty treasuries, corrupt officials, and rampant crime plague the republic. General Saryio seizes control and is made emperor of the Hodasean Empire.

100BD - 200AL

Suo Mi Kingdom

East Yyele (mainland).

  • 100BD After the fall of the Suo Mi Empire, the Suo Mi Kingdom starts on mainland Eastern Yyele, and So Esn forms on the great islands of Eastern Yyele -- a revival of the previous So Esn Kingdom.
  • 0BD These people never experience The Darkness.
  • 50AL Most of the rebelling states by now are part of the republic, or the Suo Mi, So Esn, or Tar Ang Kingdoms.
  • 100AL After East Xilou failed to introduce their Hoqomer religion to the Hodasean Republic, they moved on to Suo Mi, where King Yin Ban learns their advanced sciences and gives them permanent residence in his palace.
    • These Xilou emissaries are placed in the care of the royal chancellor, Ahnsui.
  • 150AL The grandson of the royal chancellor Ahnsui finally executes his plot to overthrow the king of Suo Mi with the help of the Xilou families, founding the Yinchu Dynasty.
    • The new capital is named Xinsui after himself. He then has the Xilou families who conspired with him executed as scapegoats.

100BD - 100AL

So Esn Kingdom

East Yyele (islands).

  • 100BD After the fall of the Suo Mi Empire, the Suo Mi Kingdom starts on mainland Eastern Yyele, and So Esn forms on the great islands of Eastern Yyele -- a revival of the previous So Esn Kingdom.
  • 0BD These people never experience The Darkness.
  • 50AL Most of the rebelling states by now are part of the republic, or the Suo Mi, So Esn, or Tar Ang Kingdoms.
  • 100AL So Esn bolsters its naval defences, securing the islands for itself as culture develops separately to the mainland people.
  • 200AL Despite fierce naval resistance, the kingdom is swallowed by the great horde of Dunar Darrqu Zhadas, absorbing the domain into the Dunian Empire.

100BD - 100AL

Yinchu Kingdom

East Yyele.

  • 150AL The grandson of the royal chancellor Ahnsui finally executes his plot to overthrow the king of Suo Mi with the help of the Xilou families, founding the Yinchu Dynasty.
    • The new capital is named Xinsui after himself. He then has the Xilou families who conspired with him executed as scapegoats.
  • 200AL The kingdom is quickly swallowed by the great horde of Dunar Darrqu Zhadas, absorbing the domain into the Dunian Empire.


Hodasean Empire

West and East Teman.

  • 200AL Empty treasuries, corrupt officials, and rampant crime plague the Hodasean Republic. General Saryio seizes control and is made emperor of the Hodasean Empire.
  • 250AL Dunar Darrqu Zhadas offers a new alliance with the new Hodasean Empire, promising to not conquer them if they paid him tribute. The Hodasean emperor agrees.
    • With the Dunian Empire acting as a buffer against outside invasion, the Hodasean empire puts its focus into technology, inventing the crossbow and the printing press.
  • 300AL The printing press leads to the invention of paper banknotes called ruhe.
  • 350AL Rumours of ships that can reach great distance reach here from the Vastion People.
    • Emperor Tonsaio builds a fleet of 300 massive trade ships, which sail all the way to the Forade people of Had under Admiral Manci.
    • Some say the Usafi Giant was actually salvaged by Admiral Manci of Emperor Tonsaio's great fleet from the Hodasean Empire.
  • 400AL Several emperors spend in excess in succession, slowly draining the accumulated wealth gathered by the empire over the centuries.
  • 450AL Twin brothers argue over the throne, weakening the empire.
  • 500AL The empire divides into the Aju Ma and Temanea Dynasties.

200AL - 450AL

Aju Ma Kingdom

East Teman.

  • 500AL The empire divides into the Aju Ma and Temanea Dynasties after twin brothers argue over the throne of the Hodasean Empire.
  • 550AL The Two Brothers War. The two dynasties break into war. Repeating crossbows and magnetic compasses are invented in this period.
  • 600AL The ruler of Aju Ma is killed in a coup due to his violent tendencies, ending the war.
    • Dama Mang erupts in this same period, throwing the entire region into chaos for decades.

500AL - 600AL

Temanea Kingdom

West Teman.

  • 500AL The empire divides into the Aju Ma and Temanea Dynasties after twin brothers argue over the throne of the Hodasean Empire.
  • 550AL The Two Brothers War. The two dynasties break into war. Chain pumps and wheelbarrows are invented in this period.
  • 600AL The ruler of Temanea chokes to death on a bone, ending the war and the kingdom as the Dunian Empire conquers it shortly after.
    • Relatively safe from the effects of Dama Mang's eruption, they also invented the printing press in this same period to spread propaganda.

500AL - 600AL

Modern Seleru Cultures

All of Teman and Yyele.

  • 650AL Admiral Huy Jun founds the Ho Da Kingdom and sends his two best general to fight the Dunian Empire to the west.
    • General Songyar discovers an ancestor of the old Yinchu Dynasty and supports his claim, reviving the Yinchu Kingdom.
    • General Kang Soe declares himself king of the Porosoean Dynasty after conquering the lands.
    • Paper is invented by the Yinchu.
  • 700AL General Ladawu crushes the Dunian presence in West Yyele and also starts his own dynasty, the Ladari Kingdom.
    • The Sradaji Plague returns, though it mainly affects Dunian presence in West Teman, killing ~10,000,000 and making retaking the land possible.
  • 750AL General Hett Diao reclaims West Teman and founds the Bandiao Dynasty.
  • 850AL The Oolu Empire starts taking land from Bandiao along the Archroad but are soon driven back.

650AL onwards