Updates will now also be going on the Riiga Discord!
Article Updates
Most updates go here.
Updates will now also be going on the Riiga Discord!
Added some of the largest orders and factions on most of the major People pages.
Added Garukavar, Endon, and Odanon.
Added a magic artifact section to the archaios page, and added the first wielders of different magics to the history sections.
Added Liogons for flying mounted knights.
Added World Maps.
Added Nikina.
Added Benevis History, Seleru History, Batur History, Temanea History, Qarbak History, Yvatshun History, Vaman History, Remdor History, and Into History, with significant dated events, wonders, and celebrated figures.
Added Benevis, Seleru, Tuaram, Batur, Temanea, Qarbak, Yvatshun, Vaman, Remdor, Into, and Jindiara cultural groups, and linked them all with the People page.
Moved religions back to the Religions page to make it easier to interconnect with articles. Also updated a lot of religion information, and added the Utyq and Setekri religions.
Added Archaic Wonders.
Added manmade Wonders.
Added The Darkness catastrophe.
Added numerous minor peoples around the world (Bihi, Kinohi, Heja, dajeho, Nacha, Rerlido, Merya, Kobhufi, Qusa, Ituni, Rironlo, Chaye, Lo, Tiji, Sifi, Kafradi, Tenhan, Henmi, and others.)
Added monsters with several monster types listed.
Added global trade, including information about the Archroad.
Added geography with continents, oceans, the biggest seas and islands, important peaks, and long rivers.
Added details to the history sheet about how the world wonders were destroyed (in underlined yellow).
Updated the geographic map on the main page, and the political map on the people page.
Added magic to the official sheets.
Added to the history sheet, such as major plagues and volcanic events, world wonders, large migrations or colonisations, hidden prehistoric details, and other details.
Abbreviated the People page.
Reshaped the History sheet and started writing more detailed region-based historical events in the right-most columns. Added Temanean, Dunin, and Oolu history so far.
Added most religions to religions (up to 24) and added a sheet for history.
Added a political map to the People page and added many new cultures.
Added an alternate sheet for People.
Transferred the religions page to a Google sheet.
Changed the names of some kingdoms and cities in the Temanean Kingoms.
Added magic.
Added Vaman, Wwinda, Progora, Setekri, Utyq, Karithian, Yeves, Ildemin pages.
Added unique fauna.
Added wildlife.
Added religions.